Airline Complaint Guide

Who is this Book For?
Anyone who flies knows that there are a number of situations that can ruin your trip and end up costing you time and money to fix. Complaining about your problem may help, but avoiding the situation that led to the complaint would help even more. In this book, airline safety and security expert Dr.Todd Curtis shows how passengers should complain to their airline or to the TSA when things go wrong during a trip.
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iPad, iPhone, Nook, and other formants Baggage and Security Guide

Who is this Book For?
Whether you are a frequent flyer, or just fly on special occasions, even a little knowledge about the basic baggage and security rules can keep your trip from turning into a disaster. Keep this guide in your laptop or smartphone when you fly or when your are planning your flight for advice on what you should do to make your flight more pleasant.
How to get this book
To get this ebook, simply join the mailing list at to get the free PDF version. If you are a mailing list member, look for the book link in your latest email, or contact us for a copy.
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Parenting and the Internet
The Guide for Raising Your Child to Be Smarter and Safer Online

Who is this Book For?
This book is for anyone who is responsible in some way for a child who is on the Internet or who is about to be on the Internet. It is particularly useful for parents who have a computer at home. For parents that don't have a home computer, you can always look for a sale or a used computer from a trusted source to get something inexpensive, because it's a good idea to get your child using a home computer from an early age to help with their learning.
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The Podcasting Manual

Who is this Book For?
If you are thinking about publishing audio podcasts, or maybe a video series on YouTube, you should check this book out to see what it takes to make the process easier, and how to maintain a consistent level of quality in your shows. Whether you are doing this alone, or have a production team behind you, having a reliable and proven process will make your live easier.
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Chapter 6 of Understanding Aviation Safety Data

Who is this Book For?
If you are involved in aviation safety or aircraft operations, and you have to either ask or answer questions about relevant data, then review this chapter to see what kinds of questions you can ask of your data.
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